The purchase and improvement of tank warriors are necessary for every WoW player who wants to defeat the main boss. For this purpose, use the ability to protect and reduce damage during the fight according to the mission plan. Advantages of choosing a strong character are:
- predictability of damage received from a boss at a certain level;
- ability to move quickly and a lot during the game;
- ability to block attacks to reduce damage;
- high physical resistance to impacts;
- ability to strengthen the raid and feel confident in the dungeons.
Warrior tanks remain attractive to players as their owners gain several advantages over the enemy’s characters. Despite the special sensitivity to errors, choosing a tank allows you to take part in battles against the main bosses and become a winner.
What to Wear on a Tank Warrior for Better Protection

A wide range of artifacts that can improve the tank’s performance makes it possible to make a choice in favor of the most suitable one. However, it is worth remembering that in the world of the tanking warrior, there are rules that help determine the necessary equipment.
First of all, pay attention to the main characteristics that make the tank exceptional. It’s about endurance and strength. It is possible to increase the level of protection using special items. You can find the necessary equipment in any way.
It is worth deciding on a new gear element taking into account several recommendations:
- current items should always exceed the characteristics of the existing equipment;
- high-level items with a place for a stone — the right find that will strengthen your gear;
- among two items of the same level, choose the one that has the coveted characteristics.
Finding alternative special items allows you to strengthen your defense and get a few points to endurance. The support of experienced players allows you to quickly achieve your goal, and it is really easy to find like-minded people. Find WoW Boost for a reliable companion for your next mission.
Tank Warrior Main Rotations

A significant role during the game is played by the sequence of using the available achievements. You can get access to the necessary list after studying the basic properties of the selected character and choosing the necessary skills from the list.
Make the choice of the right skills by looking at the list. Experienced players recommend starting at the end and then moving up. Thus, it is possible to get a complete understanding of a tank warrior rotation and use the available skills at the right time.
To cause serious damage, the enemy will need to accumulate a certain amount of rage. This will be enough to absorb and activate a stronger attack. It is recommended to resort to this method when a strong opponent enters the battle.
There is a division of rotations depending on the area of use. The warrior tank allows you to explore a list of abilities to attack multiple or single targets, as well as to start a battle quickly. In addition, it is worth taking a closer look at the available skills to absorb the damage caused.
Priority Stats for Dungeons and Battles

The main task of the character is to minimize the damage and deliver devastating blows. It is confirmed by the list of core stats, which includes speed, versatility, mastery, and armor. An equally important indicator is strength, which plays a decisive role.
Despite the diverse list, the primary characteristics affect the choice of additional equipment. Improving the abilities of a tank warrior without taking into account its specifics won’t work, so you should pay more attention to the armor and strength of the character. Although these characteristics are included in the original set, you shouldn’t take it as something that will always be and doesn’t need to be improved.
You don’t have to use the compiled priority lists as often as it might seem at first glance. Basically, you have to pay attention in case of considering two subjects of the same level. Make a choice in favor of the one that will bring the greatest benefit.
In addition to new equipment, you can find stones and charms. They can give you special skills that are not provided for by other artifacts. For players, this is a good way to strengthen their defense, increase damage and influence the strength parameters.
Addons to improve the tanking warrior

To play World of Warcraft, take care of quick access to the necessary information. For this, pay attention to the enhancement of the interface. You can create a simple and effective dashboard when you have access to additional tools.
Changing the setting will allow you to receive information about all events that happen on your screen. Beginners often don’t know where to start and are lost among various choices, so they decide to ignore the dashboard.
The secret of experienced users is that it is easy to adapt and distinguish between unnecessary information and necessary data. However, you will need to download and install the proposed add-ons to develop this habit. Only in this case, it will be possible to keep abreast of events and follow them.
It is hardly possible to determine how good the created interface is. The point is that your attitude to the placement of icons and shortcuts on the screenplays a major role. Frequent elements of a conventionally good interface are:
- boss timers;
- indicators;
- ability panel;
- counters of other players’ abilities.
If you want, you can modify the design and create the necessary panels. For this, it is recommended to use several tools and make a choice based on your own preferences. It is also possible to enhance or supplement the existing panel.
To choose a suitable add-on, you will also need to take into account the location of a battle. To control the situation in the dungeon, one interface with special characteristics will come in handy, while in a raid you may need a different one. It is worth finding a suitable option as early as possible.
Check out the list of commonly used addons in advance to make the right choice. The list of popular ones includes ElvUI, GTFO, and Recount. You will be able to decide on the suitable option only after some tests in battles.