YouTube is also known as the cesspool of the internet because this is the largest video sharing platform on the whole internet. Millions of people are simultaneously interacting with video content from around the world and at the same time, thousands of users are uploading newer content every minute on YouTube. Despite all of this compatibility and offering such great playback and video streaming service to the users, there is a certain drawback that makes the whole experience dull and leaves room for improvement.
This is where the idea of using various dedicated YouTube managers like comes into play, literally, there are hundreds of these so-called apps out there which are potentially a ‘no show’ situation but with dedicated research and choosing your options wisely you can find an ultimate YouTube manager to take care of all of your needs.
Features of YouTube managers

Following are discussed some of the most immersive features of YouTube managers which renovates the whole experience for you on a much better note. You will be experiencing a better and more subtle version of YouTube, following are some of the features that various YouTube managers out there provide you access to, feel free to check these out;
Audio and video download feature
The original YouTube app does provide you the feature of downloading videos only at a selected resolution or quality, but there is no such option of downloading the audio-only. Anyhow, the downloaded files that are strictly video can only be accessed from the YouTube app and you can’t transfer these from one device to another, but only till now.
With the help of a dedicated YouTube manager, you have the liberty of not only downloading the video at your specific resolution and quality but you can also choose to only download the audio of a certain video such as a song that you really like and would love to listen to while offline.
Not only this but you can also transfer the downloaded content from one device to another and can play it using whatever app you want to. This is by far the biggest improvement that users wanted to see in the original YouTube app but to no avail. This is something a dedicated YouTube manager can help you deal with.
No ads

The showing ads part of YouTube is pure insanity, you are watching a certain video and at the same time, the ads start to show up and can literally kill your mood. The ads also happen to be arbitrary such as these might either show up at the beginning of the video, sometimes in the middle, and at times at the very end. You can’t predict this outcome but you surely get bored and frustrated with this exercise.
But with the YouTube manager, it is all different, you get to play the same videos that you were enjoying on YouTube minus the ads. There will be no ad at the beginning of the video, in the middle, and definitely not at the end of it. This is a completely ad-free experience that you get to be a part of, for most casual YouTube users it is like a dream coming true.
In what other ways YouTube lacks the grip?
YouTube is known for not providing any download or online support for the mp3 format, it doesn’t matter if it is a song you like or something else that you only want to access the mp3 content of, you can’t do that, not on YouTube. Many online YouTube to mp3 converters online offers this service where you get to put the URL of the intended video into the convert section of the service and it will instantly convert the video into mp3 format for you. After the conversion is done you can even download the mp3 file. This is how far other services have come forth to fill the gap created by the original YouTube app and the elements that it doesn’t support.
This way if you have limited bandwidth and can’t possibly choose to view YouTube whenever you want to, you can simply download the mp3 version of your songs and listen to them whenever you want. The biggest advantage of the mp3 format is that it doesn’t occupy much of the space and can be easily transferred from one device to another without any hassle.
What other things you are missing?

It is not only about the quality of the video and skipping ads but with the original YouTube app, you are missing a ton of other things. For one, you can’t download every video there is as it proposes a lot of restrictions on a few copyrighted videos. Most of the music videos seem to be taken the hit pretty badly due to this very scenario, if you are a YouTube user then you know that you are getting pretty affected by this as well.
Annoying problems with YouTube that needs to be sorted
Have you ever tried to watch YouTube in the ‘picture in picture‘ mode? Well, you can’t do that. As soon as you try to minimize the app in hopes of your song still playing in the background, it simply turns off. You have to be present on-screen with the original YouTube app to be able to listen to the song that is playing or the video that you are watching. There is no workaround that and you have to stay on with your YouTube app for the sake of enjoying whatever media that you are currently surfing through. This is just one of many.
Talking about a few others we have the download feature; you can download the videos for sure but not audio and some videos even have download restrictions on them which means that you can’t download these ever. This makes the whole thing more annoying than ever, it is alright with ads, one can learn to bear with them but not being able to enjoy the full potential of the YouTube platform, in general, is the most annoying thing there is and needs to be fixed right away.