Let’s describe the morning routine of an average person in the world. He or she gets up, brushes teeth have breakfast and drinks a cup of coffee. It is not a secret that coffee became the unskippable part of our morning routine. Still, we do not want to limit the consumption of coffee in the morning hours. Many people are some sort of coffee fanatic fans. They are capable to drink a couple of cups of coffee during the entire day.
Did you know that coffee is the most popular beverage in the world? Each year, people worldwide drink more than 400 BILLION cups of coffee. Can you even imagine how huge this number is?
Fortunately for coffee geeks, there is not only 1 type of coffee on the market. You will be able to find this sort of drink with different tastes. If you are willing to find out more about coffee, you can check over here. You will find everything about coffee in one place.
Anyway, not every country has the same number of coffee fans. Believe it or not, some of the biggest countries such as the USA and China are not in the top 6 coffee consuming nations. The list may surprise you.
1. Finland

When people hear “Finland”, they usually connect it with a great education and cold winters. Yet, people in Finland are also huge coffee lovers. This nation uses every opportunity to grab a cup of coffee. When workers have a break at work, the entire collective consumes this drink. Besides that, post-church luncheons Finish people celebrate with a coffee table.
In most homes, you will be able to find very light roasts coffee. Believe it or not, Finish people drink around 12 kg of coffee per capita and they are the first in the world without any doubt. Keep in mind that younger generations are out of this calculation. The number would be a lot larger if we include them as well.
2. Norway
Well, it looks like that Scandinavian people are addicted to this drink. They drink it a lot, probably because of the cold weather. It has the ability to warm them up. By the way, in the 18th century, Norway was in the first place. Yet, it is important to mention that Norway was relatively poor in that period. However, that was not a problem for citizens of this country to consume this drink.
If you sometimes visit Norway, people will mostly offer you black coffee at breakfast and coffee & dessert mix after dinner.
An average Norwegian consumes 2 cups of coffee per day, and the entire nation uses 9.9 kg of coffee per capita.
3. Iceland

Iceland is one more country with a cold climate where people use coffee to warm up. Still, you already know that this country is small. It has only around 330 thousand citizens. So, how is this country on the third place of worldwide coffee lovers? It is simply – an average citizen of Iceland drinks 5 cups of coffee per day! More precisely, that is 9 kg per capita.
However, if you plan to visit Iceland, do not expect you will find some coffee giants like Second Cup or Starbucks. People do not need those things because they make and drink coffee at home.
4. Denmark
We are still in the same part of the world, but things are a bit different in Denmark. Citizens of this country are huge lovers of hot brown coffee. The entire kingdom drinks around 1.5 cups of coffee daily. That is around 8.7 kg of coffee per capita.
However, the habits of these people are similar to their neighbors. If you are a guest at a Danish home, the house owner will offer you coffee after every meal. They usually drink it after breakfast and lunch. Still, coffee is not the only thing you will get. They usually serve it together with small sandwiches, cookies, and cakes.
Finally, it is good to mention that Denmark has the 6th most expensive coffee in the world. Of course, the quality is coffee is also great. However, it is good to mention this if you plan to grab a cup of coffee when you come here.
5. Netherlands

If you are familiar with Netherlands history, then you know that this country is the first one that obtained live coffee trees. These trees were brought from Yemen by Pieter van der Broecke. From that moment, the popularity among citizens has remained the same.
You already know that marijuana is legalized in this country. Well, people usually consume these two things together in their coffee shops. On average, the Dutch people consume around 1.85 cups per coffee. More precisely, that is 8.4 kg per capita.
Besides marijuana, you will be able to consume coffee here with cakes and cookies. However, there is one interesting fact about coffee in the Netherlands. The coffee culture is some sort of border between the south and north part. The north part was mostly traditional and they like to serve coffee with only one cookie. Still, things are different in the south of the country. In the southern part of the state, you will be able to get “vlaai” together with your coffee. It is some sort of a large sweet pie.
6. Sweden
It looks like we won’t be able to go far away from the north part of Europe. Believe it or not, people here developed a concept known as “Fika”. When you translate this to English, it literally means “to have coffee”. Of course, you won’t just get coffee; you will get cookies or pastries as well. The term “Fika” can be used in various situations. For example, it can be a break during the working hours or a simple social gathering.
Coffee is some sort of lifestyle in this country. You will be able to find many coffee shops on the streets. More importantly, all those coffee shops are full of people every single day.
Swedish people use 8.2 kilograms of coffee per capita.