Gift-giving is awesome for both the person giving and receiving the gifts. It’s even better to see a person you love to unwrap a thoughtful gift that you’ve carefully selected just for him.
But finding the perfect gift is harder than it sounds. We can oftentimes end up being lost whenever we go shopping for presents. That’s not to say there are no perfect presents, but the sheer amount of them makes the decision difficult to make.
You might even end up with no gift at the end, simply because you couldn’t find anything worth giving. So naturally, the first thing we come up in this situation is grabbing the plain old Starbucks gift card. Instead of doing this, make sure to read this article as we are going to tell you about the top 4 unique gifts you can choose to give your friends.
Scratch-Off Map of the World

By now, you’ve probably seen a scratch-off travel map somewhere online. The first time I found it, it was through a sponsored post on Facebook, and boy do I feel thankful for it. The scratch-off travel map is perfect for anyone that loves to travel. Your friends can scratch-off the countries they’ve been, which is what the purpose of the gift is ultimate.
But more so, this map can be used as a fun wall decoration. The bright color details of this map cannot be overlooked as it features cartographic details. The map itself is printed on a highly-sturdy and extra-thick paper, which makes damaging nearly impossible.
Fruit Infuser Water Bottle

Practicality is something that comes with age. Simply said, the older we get the more practical gifts we tend to appreciate. And what better way to gift a practical present then a water bottle that can “spice” things up. A fruit infuser water bottle is something that’s getting very popular nowadays, says It has a compartment where you can place fruits, herbs, and even vegetables, which will give your water an extra flavor without needing to chew on leaves or pieces of fruit.
Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan salt lamps are made from Himalayan salt, which is said to be healthier than normal salt. But the reason why we’ve added this item on our list is the fact that it spreads positive energy into your home. That’s right, people have said that they feel something different whenever they lit a candle and place it inside one of these lamps. It also helps clear the air and makes it more breathable, according to relatives to smokers. But for extra etsyness, get a matching wood base that will elevate the lamp and make it completely unique. You can always go directly to the manufacturer of these lamps and have them create one based on your preferred design.
Outdoor Wine Table

Perfect for both wine and outdoor lovers, this table is stackable which makes it the portable solution for all of your wine needs. Best used for picnics or for a convenient way to dine and wine straight from your couch, the outdoor wine table features slots for two wine glasses and for a wine bottle.