
7 Useful Tips To Help You Stay Sober After Rehab

Rehab programs allow the addict to become clean from the substance of their choice in a safe environment where they can focus on healing with medical care and therapy. However, returning to their old life after rehab can be difficult for some people. You must take measures to ensure your sobriety once you leave rehab. If you have a substance abuse problem, no matter how bad it may be, there’s always a chance to get sober and stay that way.

The first step is receiving treatment for your substance abuse disorder. Once you complete rehab, it’s essential to have a solid plan in place for staying sober.  Here are a few tips to help you stay sober after rehab:

1. Seek Professional Help


If you are struggling to stay sober after rehab, seeking professional help is vital. Many different types of therapy available can help you maintain your sobriety. If you are in Canada, you can find a reliable Toronto alcohol rehab center to help you with addiction treatment and can help you get back on track.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Talk to a therapist at about the best course of treatment for you and make an appointment. They will advise on the best rehab program to help you overcome your struggles.

2. Make a Sobriety Plan

Withdrawing from drugs or alcohol can be difficult, especially if you are surrounded by people still using drugs. You must have a solid plan in place to help you stay sober when this happens. When you leave rehab, make your sobriety plan with the assistance of one of the therapists on staff at your center. This should include things like how many days you will go without alcohol or drugs, what kind of support system is available for you and who will keep an eye out for any signs of relapse. Having clear guidelines will allow for a smooth transition back into daily life free from addiction.

3. Join A Support Group Or Go To Regular Meetings


If you’re having trouble staying sober after rehab, then attending meetings or joining a support group is your best bet for success. Having the support of others in recovery can be very helpful during difficult times when you might be tempted to relapse. Find a support group that works well for you and check inconsistently with its members just like you did in rehab. If there isn’t an existing meeting in your area or one that fits your schedule, consider starting your session by inviting others to join you. This way, the responsibility of leading the meeting will keep you accountable while also providing valuable social time for yourself where drinking or using drugs isn’t allowed.

4. Practice Healthy Coping Skills

When you’re still in rehab, you learn to cope with difficult situations without turning to drugs or alcohol. These coping skills are essential for your sobriety after recovery, too. If you find that drinking or using drugs is the only way you know how to cope with stress, then it’s time to find healthier alternatives instead. Develop other ways of managing your emotions, such as exercising, meditating, or spending time with friends and family. This will ensure that you stay sober even when things get tough.

5. Avoid Triggers


Triggers are things that can cause a relapse into drug or alcohol abuse. It would help if you avoided any triggers once you left rehab. It is essential to be aware of what may trigger a relapse and avoid them as much as possible. Triggers may include staying away from certain places, people, or things that remind you of your addiction. If you know that spending time with a particular person always leads to drinking, try to steer clear of that person.  If necessary, create a list of triggers and keep it with you at all times to help you stay on track. If going to the bar where you used to drink is a problem, find another place to hang out. It’s also important to keep alcohol and drugs out of your home, so you’re not tempted to use them.

6. Get Involved in Activities You Enjoy

One of the best ways to avoid relapse is to get involved in activities you enjoy. When you’re busy, it’s much easier to stay away from alcohol or drugs. This could be anything from hobbies to sports to volunteer work. Make a list of things you enjoy doing when sober, and stick to that list. Spend time with friends who don’t drink, go to the gym, take up a new sport or join a book club. If you have hobbies that are not healthy for your sobriety, then find other activities that are more beneficial for your well-being instead. Keeping yourself busy will ensure you don’t get bored and think about drinking or using drugs again.

Hobbies help you replace your addiction with a healthier habit. If you have trouble finding healthy activities while using, this is a great time to explore new activities and find something that interests you. This will keep you from returning to substance abuse, and it will improve the quality of your life in general.

7. Understand The Root Causes of Addiction


You may feel like staying sober has become natural to you at this point, but it’s essential to realize that addiction can quickly come back if you don’t make changes in your life. It is vital to understand the root causes of your addiction to avoid relapse in the future. If you can identify why you turned to drugs or alcohol in the first place, you can correct those issues. This may include therapy, self-help groups, or medication. Addressing the underlying issues that led to your addiction is an essential step in maintaining your sobriety for the long haul.

If you are struggling with maintaining your sobriety after rehab, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Some supportive therapists and counselors can help you get back on track. By avoiding triggers, attending support group meetings regularly, staying busy with activities you enjoy, seeking professional help when needed, and the tips stated above. Use these tips to get started on your road to recovery.

About Nina Smith