Stealing Online Purchases – Porch Piracy is the New Shoplifting

If there is one positive about online shopping for brick-and-mortar retailers, it is the fact that fewer shoppers inside the store mean fewer shoplifters as well. But what is good for brick-and-mortar retailers is not necessarily good for consumers. If you need proof, do a brief internet search on porch …

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Top 6 Things You Would Need When Going Back To School

Summer must always end. That is inevitable. While you might whine and feel sad about it, it is something that you cannot avoid. While it is avoidable, you can also make sure that you make it as easy as possible to adapt. One of the ways to do this would …

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Smart Ways To Help Your Brain Perform At The Highest Level

We can all agree that our mind is our most powerful weapon. And we have all experienced days when we just feel off. It is like we cannot complete some of the most common activities, but on the other day, we feel like we are on top of the world …

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What Are Some of the Most Expensive Flowers You Can Get?

Flowers are one of the most beautiful products of nature. They not only embellish our world with their beauty and scents but are also used for expressing feelings and are often a significant part of many special occasions. With their variety of meanings, colors, sizes, and shapes, they are perfect …

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Imperial Corporate Capital PLC unveils plans for a luxury 5 star golf resort on the outskirts of the historical town of Cambridge

Set between the idyllic villages of Toft and Comberton and only 5 miles west of Cambridge City, Imperial Corporate Capital’s proposed projection suggests that this boutique development could elevate Cambridge Meridian to becoming one of the UK’s most prestigious golf resorts. “The aim is to complete the scheme as efficiently …

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Why You Need Professionals Who Can Handle Your WP Site

Have you just launched your online business website and are now trying to come to grips with the management part? The good news is that WordPress websites are easy to set up and you can handle the basics in just a few days. However, as your site starts to grow, …

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A Complete Guide to Psychometric Tests

The behavioral style, as well as the individual’s capacities, is measured with the help of psychometric tests. The recruitment processes key procedure is a psychometric test to test the personality, skill, and intelligence of a candidate. These tests are drafted in a way to asses and choose if the candidate …

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An Introduction to Outsourcing Managed IT Services

Outsourcing your IT services means that you will be hiring an outside company to deal with your IT needs and goals. A managed service provider or an MSP for short can cover almost everything, from securing your servers and networks to implementing operating systems to backing up your file and …

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The Benefits of a Weighted Blanket for Sleep Disorders

An increasing number of people with insomnia are finding better sleep under a weighted blanket. These blankets are filled with balls, chains, and pellets, which is what makes the heavy. People who use this blanket claim that the pressure it created feels like a firm, warm hug, which gives a …

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5 Areas of Life to Finally Prioritize

Life can get so busy that a day feels like a blur and a week seems to have disappeared before your eyes. Sometimes the demands of life have a way of making time irrelevant. But what if you’ve kept your eyes down for so long that you’ve neglected major parts …

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