Casino Revenue On a Global Scale

According to a new report, the Casino Industry is set to experience a decline of 10.8% by 2020. This is due to the sudden halt in economic activity that has forced businesses to cut their workforce and lay off employees while unemployment rates have hit a record high. Households are …

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Top Cyber Attacks of 2024 So Far

Cyber attacks are on the rise worldwide. So far this year, sensitive company information, political figures, and organizations have been targets. There’s no indication that malware, ransomware, and data breaches are going away. International tensions are creating an environment in which more cyber attacks are more likely to occur. Some …

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Which is Better – Office 365 vs. G Suite?

Office 365 and G Suite are a combination of productivity apps and collaboration. G Suite offers Google application such as Gmail, Drive, and Docs, while Office 365 offer Microsoft products like Word, Outlook, and Excel. Both options have a starting price of $5/month per user and have various plans for …

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CCTV Cameras: How They Can Protect You

CCTV systems allow us to monitor a specific location, whether that’s the exterior or interior of a property, through the use of video cameras. More and more families and businesses are starting to use CCTV systems in Melbourne due to the benefits they bring. It’s safe to say that they …

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Things You Need To Know Before Going Off-road With Your Vehicle

Taking your vehicle off-road is one of the most enjoyable experiences but to keep it that way there are some things for which you must be prepared. If you are ready to take your vehicle on an adventure to your favorite picnic spot into the outback it is important to …

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Top 4 Christian Organizations that Help Orphans

Today, almost 150 million children worldwide do not have a permanent home. The numbers are quite shocking with more than 15 million children orphaned due to AIDS, 500.000 children in America alone are in the foster care system, and 127.000 kids in the United State are waiting for adoption. The …

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Living In Australia? What’s it Like Compared To USA?

It’s easy to draw parallels between Australia and countries like the United States. For starters, Los Angeles is a place that resembles Australia a lot. From blue skies to sunny beaches, LA is the perfect place for Aussies and vice versa. Secondly, Australians and Americans both speak the same language, …

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Which Cannabinoids Have The Best Medical Benefits?

Cannabis which has been legally prescribed to alleviate symptoms or cure a medical ailment is known as medicinal cannabis (or medical marijuana). Several forms of medicinal cannabis (natural and manufactured) are available on the market. However, access is strictly controlled. Investigations investigating the safety and efficacy of medicinal cannabis in …

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Real Estate Market In New York – Strategies You Can Follow

One of the biggest fear a seller always has when dealing with selling their home is having their real estate property listed on the market a lot longer than it should. No seller wants their home to be sitting on the market for more than 4 months without getting any …

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