On the Job Hunt? Get to Know the One Thing That Could Be Holding You Back

We live in complex times, that is a fact; with a third of Americans having a criminal record, employers are now more careful than ever when it comes to hiring new employees. With an astonishing 85% of people admitting to having lied on their resumes, coupled with high crime rates, …

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A Guide to HR for Startups

When starting a new business, there are many areas you’ll need to get right from day one. These can include marketing, sales, operations, customer service and much more. For startups, one area which can sometimes be overlooked during the initial start-up period is HR. An HR department is one of …

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Praline Luxury Velvet Protective Cover

Used in various places to protect cars, protective covers are essential indoors and outdoors. In the range of car covers intended for interior use, the Praline 1570 model shines with its very soft lining which gives it an anti-scratch property. This cover thus protects the paint and varnish of your …

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Why you Should use Custom Printed Boxes for Packaging

Packaging your products is not something that your business benefits from, but every single person on this planet. Every product that you have at home has probably been packed in some kind of a cardboard or plastic box to protect it from any damage that might occur during transport. It …

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The Best To-Do Checklist for your Upcoming Corporate Event

Whenever you’re organizing a corporate event, it is very important that you keep track of things you’ve done and things that you need to do. Corporate events are usually very important and you shouldn’t risk making the mistake of doing something wrong or completely forgetting about it. In order to …

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Illuminate Your Home with a Skylight

Everyone loves natural light. There’s nothing worse than being inside of a big department store or somewhere without access to windows because it can feel claustrophobic and suffocating. It feels so good once you exit and step outside to breathe in that refreshing air. You can bring that exact feeling …

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Top 6 Consuming Coffee Nations

Let’s describe the morning routine of an average person in the world. He or she gets up, brushes teeth have breakfast and drinks a cup of coffee. It is not a secret that coffee became the unskippable part of our morning routine. Still, we do not want to limit the …

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Are Heat Recovery Ventilators the Answer for Better Air Quality and to Cut Heating Bills?

The utility bill is something that is treated with some anxiousness during any cold spell, and especially during the chilly winter months. Unless you are keeping an eagle eye on the meter and taking regular readings, the cost of a colder than expected winter can take a surprisingly big bite …

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How To Prevent Pick Pocketing And What To Do If You Are

Although there is not much major crime that takes place in tourist locations, there is. However, enough pickpocketing happening that can make you take notice. Unfortunately, tourists are always targeted by petty thieves. The main reason is that they know how to get away with it. They also know what …

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