Finding mold in your home can be a terrifying experience. After all, mold does have the potential to lead to serious health conditions with prolonged exposure. Even the smallest amount of mold is something to be feared when it comes to your home and cleaning it up can be a daunting task. That’s why we’re here to help with some tips for effectively cleaning mold!
1. Assess The Situation
The first step to any mold problem is to fully assess the situation. You want to know all the locations that contain mold growth. Mold likes to hide in damp locations where airflow is limited, so be sure to check bathrooms, basements, and anywhere you suspect a humid environment. Also, be sure to check the ventilation ducts of the house where mold can spread throughout the house.
2. Remove Moldy Items
If possible, you want to remove any items that have mold growing on them, but you must do this with caution to prevent spreading mold spores throughout the home. If you’re able to remove a moldy item, then carefully double-bag it into two trash bags. Ensure the bags are closed tightly before transporting the bags through the home to prevent spreading.

3. Clean Unremovable Items
The next step is to clean any remaining items that cannot be removed. There are a lot of solutions on the internet for cleaning mold, but the simplest solution is white vinegar. The smell of white vinegar is not ideal, but you can be confident it’s actively killing most species of mold.
Soak the entire area with white vinegar and allow it to soak in for a few minutes then wipe or scrub it clean. You may need to repeat this process a few times to get rid of all the visible mold. After all visible mold is removed, then soak the area one final time with white vinegar and allow it to dry.
4. Prevention and Drying
The key to mold prevention is keeping the troubled areas free from moisture. If you suspect a leak in your home, then it’s critical to stop the leak before you’re able to completely get rid of the mold problem. If the area is always damp, then it’s best to dehumidify the troubled area. It’s best to use a dehumidifier, but moisture absorbers can also work in small spaces.
Another useful tip is to keep air moving through areas prone to mold. Moving air will help to lower the humidity, so consider installing a small fan to keep air circulating. To ensure your mold problem is resolved it’s best to check the trouble areas for mold every couple of weeks.

5. Professional Mold Removal
Sometimes mold problems can be far too large for the average DIY homeowner. If you’re not confident you’ve resolved your mold problem, then it’s truly best to hire a professional mold removal company. These companies have the skills and equipment to ensure your mold issues are resolved for good.
There is one situation where hiring a professional should be your first move and that is when you find mold in your ventilation ducts. Mold in your ventilation ducts can be a sign of a very serious mold infestation because these ducts will carry mold spores almost everywhere in your home, which means you may need extensive mold testing and remediation. An extensive mold situation like this is best left to the professionals with the proper training and equipment.
Overall, the discovery of mold should never be taken lightly because it always has the potential to grow into a major health risk for your home’s inhabitants. Stay vigilant!