Before starting, you must be aware of the statutory warning regarding electric skateboards. Electric Skateboards are highly addictive. You may start with a beginner’s electric skateboard and work your way up to premium boards in no time with an electric skateboard. Once you get your feet on the electric skateboard, there is no looking back.
Our needs will be the real creator – the famous Socrates said this infamous locution which over time transformed into the celebrated proverb: Necessity is the mother of invention. But history tells us a different story. Every new invention, innovation, or up-gradation to the existing model has been driven by the motto of providing comfort. This technical era is an apt example.
Just like Socrates’ phrase, Electric Skateboards is something that doesn’t get the deserved attention. Electric Skateboards are a superb upgrade to traditional skateboards. Over the last decade, electric skateboards have grown in popularity, and this trend does not look to be slowing down anytime soon. They make traversing from one spot to another easy, fun, quick, and most certainly cool. For the most powerful electric skateboards at affordable prices, visit It’s an amazing space that fulfills all of your electric skateboard desires.
The Inception

Electric Skateboards were invented to commute locally from one place to another. And as the clocks ticked, they are vividly used by adrenaline junkies regularly. The advanced skateboards are compatible with different terrains like gravel, grass, sand, dirt, and even beaches.
And what makes electric skateboards unique is their simple design. Electric motor, a speed controller, batteries, and a wireless throttle – that is it. Combine all these in the right manner and your electric skateboard is ready. And now, they also come in water-resistant and waterproof models.
Before moving ahead, there is another statutory warning. Without failing, use a helmet whenever you set your feet on an electric skateboard. Also, don’t push yourself too far; ride within your limits. Remember, having fun is cool, but staying alive is crucial.
The Speed Division

Normally, the speed of electric skateboards is from 18 to 28 miles per hour on average. However, there are a few exceptional models that deliver 40 miles per hour. The maximum speed depends on several parameters like engine power, the weight of the rider, size of the wheel, number of wheels, and even the nature of the terrain.
The most underrated factor here is the manufacturer or company selling the electric skateboards because the speed is directly proportional to the quality of the raw materials – in this case, the power of the electric motor and batteries. Do look out at the manufacturers before making a purchase.
The legal conundrum

The legal guidelines around Electric Skateboards are still unclear. It lies in the grey area. Currently, the situation is informally murky as there is no specific government body to regulate or monitor it. Electric skateboards are not registered motorized commuters that can’t be taxed and it hinders the economy of the state. The same is the case with electric scooters.
Also, the police officers themselves aren’t aware of the exact law or rules regarding these vehicles. So, you can take the risk and ride away.
The Speed Game

Electric skateboards are a novel invention since they are lightweight, compact, portable, and quick. But apart from this, speed is one crucial factor that can’t be put under the rug.
Electric skateboards for children are designed keeping in mind the safety parameter. Therefore, their speeds are slow. A manual skateboard can deliver a speed of about 10 to 12 miles per hour. The maximum speed of electric skateboards for children is 9 to 13 miles per hour. At this speed, they can enjoy the ride and not get hurt. A perfect combo.
Unlike children, electric skateboards for adults are designed to keep the fun element and higher speed at priority. This doesn’t mean that the safety parameter is skipped, but because an adult is at play, so other factors take charge. So, the standard ones tend to deliver a maximum speed of 15 to 30 miles per hour. This is the gold mine speed considering everything.
The standard speed of 15 to 30 miles per hour resonates with a majority of people. The experience of handling a skateboard also plays a key role. Not to forget the economics at play. The electric industry is still developing. With the advancement in technology, it is improving and delivering better products. This standard speed skateboard doesn’t dig a hole in the pocket of the buyer. One can get it at a nominal rate and add happiness to their life.
The relation between speed and budget doesn’t end here. Speed above 30 miles per hour on an electric skateboard isn’t recommended as it is an open vehicle and can hurt badly in case of a mishap. Similarly, an electric skateboard with such speed will be excruciatingly expensive.
A small hack to increase the speed is to add extra wheels, i.e. a 4-wheel-drive and you may reach the speed up to 50 miles per hour. Pretty classic!
Having said that, the Guinness World Record for maximum speed on an electric skateboard is 68 miles per hour.
Variables impact an electric skateboard’s speed

As mentioned, the speed of electric skateboards depends on several serious permutations and combinations. Some of these factors don’t even make sense to an average mind, but they exist and regulate the thrill.
The majority of the manufacturers display a speed on the panel that isn’t possible to achieve. The displayed maximum speed of any skateboard is the speed that can be achieved in ideal situations where there is zero friction and no gravity at play. It is just a gimmick to attract buyers. And trying to achieve that displayed speed is a buffoon’s act.
An attempt to accelerate the skateboard to the maximum speed is unsafe and not advised. Plus, it’s futile. If you want a faster speed, other vehicles offer great speed with safety at hand.
Obviously, speed thrills. But if not monitored, it certainly kills.