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10 Eco-Friendly Hair Care Routine Tips

We’ll say this straight up, we take this planet for granted. We overlook environmental issues, thinking that other issues are worthier. The truth is, there is so much we can do to lower our impact on the environment. Just changing up parts of your routine, and giving them some thought, can improve the situation. And imagine if we all followed?

Our haircare routine is a daily occurrence and your product and water consumption, little by little, can really negatively impact the environment. As sustainable living is becoming a lifestyle choice, and not just seen as a “trend”, we can all do our little bit. Every small step is part of a big change.

Wash your hair less

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We have all been guilty at some point of over-washing our hair. The truth is, we need to lower our consumption. Washing your hair every single day is not necessary, and can be done every 3 to 4 days, unless in exceptional cases obviously, like going to the gym, etc. There are always products to refresh your hair between washes that you can find more about at

And when you are showering or having a bath, judge wisely the amount of water. In the shower, do you need the water running all the time? Do you need it that hot? All these things can help you lower your water consumption (and the added bonus – lower your water bills, result!).

Find alternatives to water

Whilst trying to lower your water consumption, why not find alternatives to use from time to time? Water isn’t the only thing you can use to rinse your hair. You can brew some green tea, and keep it in the fridge for up to a week, and use that to rinse your hair after shampooing. You only need to apply one to two cups to your hair, and then rinse with cool water. It’s ideal if you’re traveling or on the go! You can add coconut oil if your hair gets tangled easily for luscious, knot-free locks! Green tea also helps you preserve your hair and if you tend a lose a lot of hair when brushing, it can help your hair get healthier.

Swap showerheads

A typical showerhead uses an average of two and a half gallons of water per minute according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. What can you do about that? Purchase a low-flow showerhead, which will lower your water usage and help you do your bit for the environment.s

Study a brand’s ethos

We are all attracted to the big brands, and they do their bit for the environment, fighting its corner, but when looking at brands’ ethos, why not look at lesser-known brands and support the independent companies? These brands usually work with more natural ingredients and they even support the recycling of their packaging – whether that’s asking the customer to return the packaging or using recycled packaging for their products. Many now boast a cruelty-free message. Do your research! A brand’s philosophy towards the environment and current issues is so important and can revolutionize your hair routine.

Check the ingredients

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As we mentioned above, another key element to making your hair routine more eco-friendly is studying the ingredients. So many products contain chemicals and harmful substances that can damage the environment and even your hair! Look for several organic and natural ingredients that are known to give your hair a new lease of life. Anything free from sulfates and parabens is worthy of investigation!

Create your own hair masks

Instead of buying fancy hair masks online or in-store, and raising your carbon footprint, get your creative juice flowing and create your own homemade hair masks. They are simple to do with things you can find in your home. Each ingredient has its own benefit – and you can get luscious locks with honey, lemon juice, avocadoes or coconut oil!

We love a honey and yogurt hair mask to encourage hair growth and get those silky locks back!

  • Put 2 tablespoons of yogurt into a small bowl
  • Heat a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of olive oil in a pan
  • Once it’s incorporated, mix it thoroughly into the yogurt
  • Apply to your hair starting from the ends and massage into your scalp
  • Leave in for 30 to 45 mins before rinsing out.


Instead of throwing out used up hair care product packaging, think about what you can do with them. If the packaging is pretty, it could hold your favorite jewelry. Or perhaps it could be redecorated to hold your makeup brushes, or stationary. Upcycling gives you the opportunity to be creative, so think outside the box. You’ll have unique homeware that everyone will envy!

Use shampoo bars

Instead of stockpiling on various shampoo bottles, why not opt for an alternative? Shampoo bars are easier on the environment due to their packaging but also their ingredients. Lather it in your hands before applying to your strands. They contain hydrating ingredients such as avocado or aloe vera, and bars wash your hair without stripping it of its natural properties. If you’re struggling to apply the bar for the first time, cut a small part off of it to lather in the shampoo bar easily.

Don’t stockpile

On that note, though we love our hair products, don’t unnecessarily buy heaps of products in one go. Instead, purchase what you need, and you’ll see there will be a lot less waste! You’ll have plenty of room in your bathroom cupboards for other goodies, and you’ll only have products that you know are good for the environment and your hair.

Change up your tools


Some of our favorite hair tools – hairbrushes and combs for example – are made of plastic, but why? When there are so many alternatives? Opt for more environmentally-conscious hair tools made from bamboo for example. Bamboo is sustainable and biodegradable, which is obviously kinder on the environment. Take it a step further and swap your toothbrush for one made in bamboo too!

About Stefania Trtica