That social distancing affects everyone’s life is a real fact. There have been many changes as a result of this new adaptation with care to contain and maintain health in times of COVID-19. It is an internal adaptation, rather than an adaptation within a space, and adaptation within oneself.
However, beyond any changes, the most salient effect is related to sexual desires. In a general way there is an impression that in times of adaptation to the environment, people have an appetite for sex, and everything related to it, more evident than before. This can be confirmed by sex workers, such as the escorts and call girls advertising in Skokka.
Although male versus female attitudes towards sex change more and more over time, men are still more daring and open when the desire to have sex arises. And when the subject is sex in confinement, it seems that the desire is more pronounced than usual.
So is it true that being in quarantine increases sexual desire?
On the one hand, people appear on social networks to declare an increase in sexual desire after a few isolated days. Is this an exaggeration or does such an increase really exist within what can be considered a short time?
The best portal for classified ads in the UK proposes talking about sexual intercourse in times of isolation or social distancing. Why and how does it happen, and what are the best alternatives to satiate these desires.
Sales of sex toys have increased and so has the number of video calls. Routines have completely changed and so have worried. So how are people adapting to this lack of physical contact and staying at home? Is there an increase in sexual desire? This situation seems to be making people forget certain taboos and prejudices in regards to talking about sex openly and expressing out loud what was previously simply thought.
Why is it said that there is an increase in sexual desire in times of social alienation?
There are many cases of people who say they are more excited and have a stronger sexual desire. And there are also those who send or receive messages with a high sexual tone, and there are not few right now!
What does this mean, that in times of isolation there is an increase in sexual desire? The answer is nothing out of this world. The UK has asked for a pause in time yet again. And this directly affects what could not be done before, and now it can be done (or vice versa).
If there are no bars, if there is no social contact, if there are no parties, if there is no way to have a date with the matches on the apps… then there is no way to have a sexual relationship with the hot escorts in the UK.
Is it possible that sexual desire is greater because it has not been possible to have sex for a long time, or because now that it is not possible, it increases because of the desire for the forbidden and hidden?
Besides, now is the time to have time. For example, if before you couldn’t look at your mobile phone all day, in today’s reality, there is plenty of time and fewer people to look at what you are doing.
On the other hand, it is clear that everything that is not allowed usually attracts twice as much attention. The lack of opportunity to meet someone face to face and that from this change in information comes to the interest in a person, generates the feeling that something is missing.
Sexual desire, when those affected in cases of isolation by a virus are people who do not have a fixed partner, comes because it is no longer available in a closed space and there is no physical contact between two or more people.
On the contrary, there are couples who live together in the same space. Many couples still have a sexual desire after years together. It’s time to reinvent or revive habits that seemed to give the impulse for hotter sex at the beginning of relationships.
How do you continue to have sex in times of isolation?

Sexuality is a source of pleasure for human life. In times of social alienation, using technology tools is the key to keeping the mind healthy too, and perhaps… hands busy!
Love and enjoy yourself is the motto for the most influential adult classified ads website. When isolation comes into play, people have to learn how to deal with it. Nevertheless, adult ad portals and websites/channels with content forbidden to under-18s are on the rise and now present many more options for all of this and for any audience of interest.
It is also true that there is a change in the term “having sex“. Because face-to-face relationships with physical contact are restricted and there is no real-life interaction, people are starting to deal with the situation in different ways. And the search may be very pleasant as they find the most desired call girls and escorts. It is time to realize all the fantasies, fulfill the pleasurable games and use the imagination to make the most of the time.
The important thing is to think that the situation of pandemic times is temporary. We must take advantage of it to understand ourselves, use all the tools available, and perhaps have even more pleasure without leaving home.
The perfect moment to get to know oneself better, what one enjoys the most, the most sensitive parts of the body, the most hidden fantasies… Nowadays there are many opportunities to enjoy an intimate and pleasurable moment. Toys that work by remote control, virtual reality, sexting… You just have to search, try and… who knows, maybe you will discover a new way to intensify pleasure and, by the way, let off some steam from all that the current situation entails. What can you lose?
Fdo.: Julia Santos