No matter the engagement we may have online or the connections we establish through the web, we should ensure ample protection from cyber-attacks on our network. That’s where Dedicated Server Security comes in. Here are some important details to know about it.
1. It’s incredibly important for running your business online
The safety of the data we handle as a person is important. Any loss of that data can compromise us and anybody associated with us. If we have a business that utilizes online services and practices, we will be even more responsible than usual.
This responsibility comes from the fact that data getting compromised can endanger any of our clients who’ve provided us with the necessary details. Additionally, it reflects poorly on our business, making us far less trustworthy in the eyes of the general public.
When data is stored on a dedicated server, we have even more responsibility for this data. The information is now easier to take care of ourselves. We can provide proper security on the server. This security can come in a couple of different forms, but no matter what type of security we employ, it’ll aid us in ensuring that the data we store will be far safer.
2. You can provide more physical security than shared hosting environments

Additional physical security options are available to those who utilize a dedicated server. Specifically, because this server is given to a single client who is capable of switching up security mechanisms as they see fit. This includes the use of hardware firewalls and similar such items. You can also check out Safety Talk Ideas for more safety tips.
This extra hardware is a straight upgrade to our security. Shared hosting environments don’t allow them due to the potential for such hardware to affect another client. This concern is entirely removed with the dedicated server. The dedicated server has only one client. With the hardware upgrades to our security, that server will be extra protected from any attacks. Guaranteeing far more safety to our clients.
3. Outages can be quite dangerous
The interruption of data can be a scary issue, especially in situations where very important data is being delivered. Additionally, loss of data can be even worse due to the slowdown it may impose on our business. Both of these situations may get triggered by a very simple problem, a power outage.
Power outage is a huge problem for any electric device that needs to be consistently operating. This situation is no different for dedicated servers. When power is lost, the server will stop operating. While data already stored will be mostly safe, that which has just been put into the server or is still being processed may easily be lost to the outage.
To secure our servers against outages, we should consider spreading the dedicated server to different locations. A dedicated server allows us to use multiple servers within multiple physical locations. This is far safer, allowing us to avoid loss during outages because the other physical location won’t be affected by the outage. Of course, this assumes we are establishing these servers in locations that are further apart and won’t be covered by the same part of the grid that’s having an outage. If you wish to get a better grasp on establishing a dedicated server, click here to learn more.
4. Install updates regularly

A very important part of any software is to keep it up to date. Software updates make sure our software is capable of operating at full capacity and with less risk of bugs on the operating system we utilize while fulfilling its operating procedures well.
Lacking updates in our software, no matter its security uses, will leave us far more vulnerable to all sorts of threats. For example, cyber-attacks and malware become much more likely, making data on our servers more vulnerable.
New security updates are an important factor, whether it’s software directly tied to the server or a different form of applicative software that may allow hackers to find an “in” to our system. We should update them regardless to secure ourselves further.
5. Dedicated servers provide customization options
Any data on a dedicated server can be better accommodated and secured through the customization functions of our dedicated servers. It’s possible to lock off areas both physically and virtually, which will provide a new degree of security. The utilization of multiple locations can be a great source of extra help for this customized support too. Even if our hardware gets compromised in some capacity, it’s possible to shut it off or wipe it clean while preserving the data in the other location of the server.
The isolation present with this type of server means all responsibility for proper online conduct is on you, or rather the single client who operates the server. Therefore, there is no risk that shared hosting locations have where another client may endanger our own security due to a lapse in judgment or improper online conduct.

6. We are capable of restricting access to the server
In shared hosting environments, the access to the server is provided by the server service provider rather than being on us to decide. The frequent issue here is that not every member who joins this shared hosting space is necessarily reliable.
Just about any person can cause some serious problems within the server when multiple clients are involved. The client itself may be a hacker or have some malicious tendencies for the server. Scams are not out of the question either. When the scammer compromises one client, they further their presence on the server.
It’s possible to fall prey to malware and scams accidentally. This means that our overall safety is also dependent on other people not slacking on secure behavior. The severity of this problem varies. Sometimes the cyber security of the server itself is enough to stop or mitigate the damage of these mistakes, but other times our data will end up completely exposed.
When we utilize dedicated servers, this problem isn’t present. We can even physically limit access so that only people with proper authorization can access this server. It lessens the possibility of human error and cuts out the excess worry about malware or intrusions. Being able to monitor the interactions with the server directly is another great detail about dedicated servers, providing us with more insight into their use.