Dealing with and Resolving Complaints

Empowering Your Customers: Dealing with and Resolving Complaints

Your clientele serves as the most authentic measure of quality assurance. Without their endorsement, your enterprise cannot thrive and prosper. Hence, when customer complaints arise, it is crucial to attentively listen, as they present prospects for enhancing the customer journey and averting possible customer attrition.

In every sector, encountering customer grievances is inevitable. Even if your business hasn’t erred, one of your customers will eventually encounter an obstacle that prompts them to seek assistance from your customer service team. These are the instances where the competence of your service representatives determines the outcome of the customer’s experience.

1. Acknowledge the Customer Complaints

Acknowledge the Customer Complaints

When a customer contacts you with complaints, demonstrate your understanding of the issue and your commitment to resolving it. You are not necessarily endorsing their viewpoint; instead, you are displaying empathy and practicing active listening. For instance, you can express, “I understand that you’re facing challenges with…” and then address their specific complaint. Providing a genuine apology can also be advantageous for your organization.

This may even encourage customers to retract negative customer reviews. Imagine, for instance, that your business mistakenly ships the incorrect product to a customer. Upon receiving the customer’s complaint, your customer service representative could say, “I deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused by the receipt of the wrong product. I will take immediate steps to rectify the situation for you.”

2. Ask Customer Service Questions for Clarification


When handling customer complaints, it is vital to possess a comprehensive understanding of the situation. If you require clarification regarding what transpired or what the customer desires, take the initiative to seek further information before proceeding. For instance, you can inquire, “Can you elaborate on…” or “Would you mind providing an example?” Failing to understand something and inadequately addressing the customer’s complaint can prolong their frustration and convey a lack of concern on your part. For instance, let’s consider a scenario where a customer expresses dissatisfaction with a clothing item they purchased, claiming it doesn’t fit as described.

It is advisable to confirm whether they wish to return the item for a refund or exchange it for a different size. If the customer has indicated a preference for email communication, you can promptly send them a message outlining the problem and presenting potential solutions, while inquiring about their preferred course of action. This approach ensures that the solution provided aligns with the customer’s expectations.

3. Provide Quick Responses to Corporate Office Complaints

When a customer contacts your support team, they desire a seamless experience without being transferred between multiple representatives or enduring prolonged wait times. It is crucial to empower your customer support team to handle the majority of issues independently. This enables a representative to engage with a frustrated customer and provide solutions organically.

Consequently, the customer feels that their problem is being taken seriously and addressed promptly. Moreover, the customer is not subjected to delays caused by seeking approval from others or encountering potential bottlenecks. Ultimately, this instills long-term confidence in your organization.

In light of this, let’s consider a situation where a call is received by a telecommunications company. The customer had enrolled in an auto-pay plan after their contract expired, but somehow, they were charged twice. If the customer support representative can promptly halt the second payment and arrange for an immediate refund, while expressing apologies for the mistake, the customer is more likely to be satisfied with the resolution compared to if the representative had to seek approval from the billing department before issuing the refund.

4. Surpass Expectations with Post-Consumer Complaints Actions

Surpass Expectations with Post-Consumer Complaints Actions

Even after successfully resolving the customer’s complaint, go the extra mile and surpass their expectations. This can effectively transform their perception from negative to positive, thereby increasing the likelihood of their return. Exceeding customer expectations entails paying meticulous attention to detail and genuinely demonstrating your concern for their experience.

For instance, initiating the gesture by sending a personalized thank-you note to the customer for granting her the opportunity to rectify the issue can make a significant impact. Additionally, you can consider offering them a bonus, such as a gift card, a coupon, or an exclusive opportunity to try out new products. These actions showcase your commitment to their satisfaction and can leave a lasting positive impression.


Ultimately, not every customer complaint can be resolved in a manner that fully satisfies the customer, and there may be cases where customers still end up feeling upset and dissatisfied. Nonetheless, it is within your control to consistently deliver exceptional experiences and minimize such occurrences to the best of your ability. Finally, do you know of other ways of dealing with and resolving customer complaints? Please leave your comments below.

About Mackenzie Mcneil