
Design Custom Clothing Tags for Your Clothing Line

It’s not a secret that some clothing brands make a lot of money, and when we say a lot, we mean it. One of the reasons why people enjoy purchasing and wearing expensive clothes is because of the status symbol, but how can others know that you’re wearing something luxurious if it’s not for the tag piece? Nike, Adidas, or Supreme, it’s all just a fake clothing-piece unless you have an original tag that goes along with it as a proof.

We’re not saying that people should care about what others think regarding their fashion taste and ideas, but if you’re purchasing something to show off with, you better do it right. We believe that custom clothing tags have a lot of importance when it comes to putting your brand in the spotlight, which is why we decided to create this article.

Today we’re going to give our best to encourage all business-owners who manage a clothing brand to think about investing in Custom Tags for all of their pieces. If you find the importance of such an investment minuscule, we have a lot of convincing to do. Ultimately, it’s for your brand’s well-being. Let’s not keep this introduction any longer than it needs to be.

I want to make these, but I don’t know-how?


Don’t worry, not everybody is a creative person, and if you still consider yourself to be “young” in this business field, odds are you don’t exactly know where to begin. That’s not an issue, however, because we’re here to help you out.

A common thing that people who are in the same situation as you do is taking examples from some of the more successful brands. Don’t know where and how to start? Just go to the local shopping mall and enter a clothing store. Stroll to the section where some of the more popular brands are and choose a piece. Turn it around and take a look at the tag. What do you see?

Usually, you’ll see the name of the clothing brand first, and it’s going to cover most of the tag since that’s what matters the most for recognition. People want to know what they’re purchasing, would you agree? Next, you’ll see a logo, and maybe a slogan, if the brand decided to include that in their design.

It’s quite simple, but does this mean that you have to do it the same? Not at all. We love to assure you that there are no limits to your creativity, and no rules apply when it comes to designing clothing tags for your brand. If you want, feel free to copy what the famous brands are doing, nobody is going to say no to that. Or, you can frankly find what works for you. Are you experiencing a creative block? No worries, DutchLabelShop is a website where you can take a look at a few designs and draw some creativity from their professionally-designed labels.

At what point should I do this?


Honestly, if you’re serious about succeeding in the clothing business, you’ll have to face a lot of competition. And, as we all know, battling that competition means becoming recognized by the masses. You need to create a large fan base of people who follow and support you. Since a clothing tag is mandatory for even beginning the procedure of selling your products, we think that you’ll have to do this a bit earlier in your career. It’s a worthy investment, and there are numerous reasons why you should make it, but if you’re somehow still not convinced, let’s talk a bit about material identification.

What is material identification?


If you are a person that’s allergic to polyester, common sense tells us that you’ll try to avoid that material at all costs. After all, nobody likes to have rashes on their skin after paying a bunch of money for a shirt made by a famous brand. So, the first thing that you do before swiping that credit card at the cashier’s table is checking the clothing tag. And, when you do this, what is the first thing that you’ll look after in it? Doesn’t ring any bells? The answer is, you’ll check what kind of materials they used in the manufacturing process. If it contains polyester, odds are you won’t buy it.

So, not only it’s mandatory to do this out of sheer professionalism, but it’s also of great importance that you don’t put any of your customers’ skin in danger by not offering them an option to know what exactly they’ll wear after leaving the shop. Not to mention that it’s not even possible to sell your products at reputable shops without having all of this included on your clothing tag.

Is it a worthy investment?


Considering all of the things that we said above, yes, it’s a worthy investment. You’ll need a budget for it, but it doesn’t have to be much, especially if you are a graphics designer yourself, which is not very rare these days. Often, those who manufacture clothes, and run their clothing lines, are experienced with graphics design themselves. If this is true, you’ll end up saving the money you would otherwise give to the person that’s supposed to create your tags.

Does this mean that you cannot achieve any of this without previous graphics-design knowledge? Not at all, you can always hire a professional service to complete this task from the very beginning to the end. Will, it cost more? Yes. Will you end up with a top-quality product in a much shorter time? Yes. The decision is yours to make.


Even if we consider the fact that a lot of people want to wear “blank” clothes, we still cannot deny that somebody created those pieces for them. Although a shirt might be completely blank and have no logo or any identification on it, it still comes with a clothing tag before you take it out of the store. There’s no other way to put a name on your work if you’re selling clothes without the card, which is why we consider this investment very significant for progress towards achieving success.

About Stefania Trtica