
Book of Romans Overview

The Romans, if you’ve ever heard of them, were incredibly culturally rich people who influencead Western Civilization from its very founding. The Roman Empire evolved from the subjugation of neighboring lands and peoples. From the conquering and then coalescing of these cultures into a civilization with a common language and governing system, the worlds we know today were born. And in their wake, the Romans left an extraordinary legacy. One of their legacies was the Book of Romans. Often referred to as the “fifth gospel,” this is an amazing book that teaches about God, his Son, Jesus Christ, and the truths of the Gospel. And if you are a new believer or if you are an old-timer, this is an invaluable resource that will help you understand the Bible and the truths it teaches. Learn more in the following blog post.

Who Wrote the Book of Romans?


Book of Romans is an epistle written by Paul the Apostle to the early Church in Rome. Paul had been preaching to the people of Rome for a year or so before he wrote this letter. The letter focuses on the Christian doctrine of justification by faith, better known as “sola fide.” This doctrine states that a person is justified by God (declared to be righteous) through their faith in Christ alone. The idea of God’s righteousness is that no person is righteous on their own, and without Christ’s sacrifice, there would be no way to obtain God’s righteousness. Further, the doctrine states that salvation comes by faith alone and not by works of the law, which would give a person their own righteousness.

About the Apostle Paul

Paul was a Jew and a Pharisee, an educated man who had traveled extensively in the ancient world. He was born Saul of Tarsus around 4 BCE to a prominent family. While still young, he followed Jewish law and studied under famous teachers. When he was 18, he saw Stephen be stoned to death by his fellow Jews for his Christian beliefs. This caused Saul to become a bitter enemy of Christians, persecuting them until his conversion on the road to Damascus. On the road, he met Jesus Christ, who told him to go into the city and that he would tell the people of the city about him. After this, he changed his name to Paul from Saul and became an ardent believer in Christ. He spent the rest of his life preaching and teaching about Jesus Christ and became one of the most influential people in early Christianity. He was never persecuted for his faith, although he was imprisoned on several occasions. He died around c. 64 in Rome.

About the Book of Romans

Source: eppingbaptist.or

Paul, the Apostle, wrote Romans to the early Church in Rome, and it was completed around 57 ce. It is the most quoted book of the New Testament, being referenced by the early Church fathers more than any other book of the Bible. It deals with the doctrine of justification by faith and is considered the most difficult of Paul’s letters to understand. The central idea is that man is not righteous because of any merit or works he may do, but that God declares him righteous by his grace. This is Paul’s response to the ongoing problem that the Jews had with the Gospel and God accepting Gentiles into the fold. Paul does this in a logical progression, starting with his understanding of sin. He begins by showing that all people are sinners, yet he ends with a discussion of how the Holy Spirit works in the lives of those who have put their faith in Christ.

Recipients of Book of Romans

The recipients of Romans are the church in Rome, which at the time was growing quickly. At the time this letter was written, there were two great cities in the Roman Empire: Rome and Antioch. The Church at Rome was growing faster than that of Antioch, and Paul seems to want to strengthen the Christians, thereby giving them a detailed understanding of what they believe. He does this by describing sin and its consequences and by then explaining how the grace of God comes into our lives to save us from those consequences.

Purpose of Book of Romans


Paul’s main purpose for writing Romans was to explain the message of the Gospel to the early Church in Rome. He does this by stating that man is sinful and unable to be righteous on his own but that God makes the righteous. Paul then gives specific examples of this by showing how all men have sinned, yet God is gracious and has forgiven us through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Through this sacrifice, God gives us the ability to repent and live a life of obedience to him.

Themes and Theology of Book of Romans

As stated above, Romans is a difficult book to understand. The reason for this is that it contains many long and intricate passages that focus on specific issues. These issues are the themes of Romans. The book focuses on the doctrines of sin, righteousness, grace, and love. He does this by describing sin and then by detailing how sinful people can find a relationship with God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Paul’s ultimate goal is to encourage the Church at Rome to put their faith in Jesus Christ. He wants them to understand that Christ did what we could not do and that the Spirit gives us the ability to be obedient to God. This should lead to the development of a community of people who live their lives in love and are committed to the lordship of Jesus Christ.


Overall, this is a great book and one that every Christian should read. It is a very thought-provoking book that, like the Bible as a whole, will challenge you to live a life that is pleasing to God. Romans can be difficult to understand at times, but it will give you a more in-depth knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I highly recommend it.

About Nina Smith