
Trouble Controlling Your Temper? You Could Benefit From Anger Management Therapy

The post is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

Anger is a natural human emotion that arises when we feel that we’ve been treated unfairly or badly by another person. We may also feel angry when a loved one experiences mistreatment at the hands of someone else. Anger may also stem from past experiences in which we felt we had little control or were taken advantage of.

Although anger is a natural emotion, it’s important to know how to control it. For some people, annoyance can quickly turn into irritability, which then evolves into rage and leads to turbulent outbursts. The consequences of uncontrolled anger can range from broken relationships and violence to health issues, trouble with the law, problems at work and school, and much more.

One solution for learning how to control your anger is participating in anger management therapy. Here, we’ll go over some signs that may indicate you could benefit from this type of therapy and discuss what treatment might entail.

Signs Of Anger Issues


Anger can affect each person differently, causing them to react and respond to life and its stressors in unique ways. The following are some of the signs and symptoms that could indicate a struggle with anger:

  • Irritability
  • Feeling “on edge” or restless
  • Having little patience
  • Becoming easily annoyed at minor inconveniences
  • Feeling unable to control your emotions
  • Snapping on people
  • Developing resentment toward others
  • Tension throughout the body
  • Angry outbursts
  • Shaking
  • High blood pressure
  • Racing thoughts
  • Guilty or shameful feelings
  • Saying hurtful things to others
  • Anger that leads to violence

If you’re experiencing some or all of these signs and symptoms, it could be helpful to connect with an anger management therapist.

What Is Anger Management Therapy?


Anger management therapy is an approach that can help you learn how to develop greater control over your thoughts, feelings, and impulses, ultimately allowing you to choose healthier emotional responses instead of anger. Therapists may utilize several different techniques to help you overcome your anger, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) ─ CBT can allow you to recognize your irrational or unhelpful thought patterns and choose more productive ways of thinking. By understanding the thought processes that lead you to have angry outbursts, you can replace those thoughts with more positive ones and gain greater control over your emotions and automatic reactions.
  • Breathwork ─ Breathwork is a technique that involves taking focused, intentional breaths in distinct patterns. Regularly engaging in breathwork can help you relax and stay in control of your emotions and responses, as it calms the nervous system and can lower the amount of stress hormones in your blood.
  • Mindfulness ─ Mindfulness is a powerful technique that your therapist may teach you in an attempt to help you develop more self-awareness. This practice involves paying close attention to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judging them. By becoming more aware of yourself, you can recognize where your anger might be stemming from and take preventative steps to avoid outbursts.
  • Trigger awareness ─ Many people with anger issues find that specific events or situations trigger their angry feelings. A therapist can help you identify your triggers and come up with strategies for avoiding or reducing them. This might involve stepping out of the room when you’re triggered, using a specific coping strategy like mindfulness, or taking deep breaths and counting inside your head to calm yourself down.
  • Coping strategies ─ Coping strategies can be critical when seeking to control your anger. Some of the methods your therapist might teach you include exercising, journaling, deep breathing, participating in a hobby, phoning a friend, or engaging in progressive muscle relaxation. Having a toolbelt of strategies to rely on in times of need can help ensure that your anger is kept in check.

There are plenty of other ways to control your anger, and some methods may work more effectively for you than others. Finding the right strategies and techniques can be key to overcoming the anger issues you’re facing.



Anger issues can have detrimental effects on your life, particularly when they aren’t addressed. With anger management therapy, you can learn how to respond to the world instead of reacting to it. A therapist can equip you with the tools and skills you need to develop self-awareness and use your angry feelings to experience personal growth instead of being held back by them.

With time, effort, and dedication to bettering yourself, you can grow into a person you’re proud of and enjoy happier, healthier relationships and overall life satisfaction.

About Nina Smith