In good weather, more and more people get the desire to go out and train. There were enough winters and holidays in which we found excuses. Summer is coming, light and short clothes, swimming. The coronavirus has changed our lives. People are forced to socialize less in order to preserve their health. Some have decided to dedicate that time to themselves in the best possible way, to work on themselves and healthy habits, but there are also many who have been lying around all day, waiting for the epidemiological situation to improve. News for all those who sit and wait – you can practice at home!
Today, there are various applications that help you exercise, those that show you how to perform an exercise properly and what kind of diet to base yourself on. They even send you notifications that it’s training time. There are different types of exercise, and their intensity depends on your physical fitness and the results you want to achieve.
Some prefer workouts that work exclusively with their body weight, but there are many who use a variety of props such as weights, elastic exercise bands, and even weighted vests. Weight vests have become very popular as a resistance training tool. Running with these vests is used in some forms of military training, hence it is also called military training style.

You’ve probably used weights and straps before, but what about weighted vests? Are they useful for exercise and to whom? Here are a few reasons why this is a good choice for training.
Improves posture
Training with weighted vests improves posture. People often unconsciously bend over when running or training, and their weight will make them have the right posture and balance with its weight and training intensity. Studies have shown that regular training with vests reduces the risk of falls and injuries that occur in such situations.
Prevents cardiovascular disease
We know that during training, the heart works harder to pump the required amount of blood. Certain studies have shown that training with a weighted vest increases the effectiveness of training, as well as the work of the heart and lungs.
Props for different types of training
This is a great prop for introducing variations in high-intensity training. Slow progress in training is precisely the result of the adaptation of muscles to a certain type of training and load. It is for these changes in training that the training vest is an ideal prop because you can change the weight in it, so you will often be able to push the body out of the “comfort zone” and force it to change.

It helps in weight loss
Increased resistance by using a training vest increases the intensity of the workout, forcing the body to work harder and burn more calories during exercise. Increased caloric consumption, in the long run, leads to weight loss, if accompanied by a balanced diet tailored to training goals.
Fast weight loss
If you don’t have time to train because your schedule is crowded with daily commitments, a weight vest is an ideal prop for you. High-intensity workouts are great if you want to train shorter but achieve maximum results, and a vest with a load can allow you to do that. You can take all the bodyweight exercises you have done so far to a new level if you train with a vest. The consequence is bringing the body into a state of anaerobic glycolysis, or the conversion of carbohydrates (instead of fat) from food into energy.
How to choose a vest?
If you think you would benefit from exercising with a vest like this, we’ll give you a few guidelines on how to choose the right one. The vest should not be large and it is not recommended to have weights at chest level. When running, it is important that the vest adheres well to the body, but so that it does not impede breathing, and the load is evenly distributed slightly below the level of the heart. The joints and arms must be free to move. If you use a vest for running, choose to run on softer surfaces, using adequate running shoes.
In the beginning, do not train with the maximum weight, but start from the minimum and slowly increase the weight and intensity of training. Keep in mind that his weight should never interfere with the technique of performing the exercises. If this happens to you, know that you are overweight.
What exercises can I do using a weighted vest?

There are several types of exercises where you can use this prop. Runners often use it in preparation for a marathon, because in this way they increase capacity. Then when they take off their vests, the runners realize that their endurance is far greater than it was. Of course, here too it is important to start with a smaller load in order not to injure the joints.
You will often see and bodybuilders use this vest when lifting weights. In this way, they improve the balance of the body, strengthening the abdominal muscles at the same time.
A weight vest helps build muscle mass when performing squats and lunges. When performing these exercises, extra attention should be paid to the proper posture of the spine to avoid injuries. What other exercises can you do with weighted news? Bends, push-ups, jumps, everything is doable! You can click here to learn more about various types of workouts.
Final thoughts
Be sure that with this prop you will raise the quality of training to a higher level. Since the weight of the vest can be regulated, it is best to start with a weight that is about 5% of your weight, so you will gradually increase it according to your own feeling.
If you are in great shape and hiking, which makes walking uphill no longer a challenge, you can use the vest as an additional load during the climb that will give you a greater challenge and a whole new experience. Even if you don’t train at a high intensity, try wearing a vest with a walking load to increase your walking intensity. Although many use them while running, many experts recommend that you do not use them in these situations.