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10 Tips for Writing A Biology Essay 201

As a student, you are bound to encounter essay writing at one point or another. Teachers and professors use essays to gauge how well you’ve mastered a concept. When it comes to mastering concepts, biology is at the forefront. You cannot pass biology if you’re not good at memorizing information.

To hack biology essays, you first have to find a way to master different concepts without interchanging definitions and meanings. There are so many biological terms you have to learn before you even get to master concepts.

Ensure that each time you get a biology essay assignment, you understand the instructions before you begin doing it. This way, you’ll have an easy time expressing your ideas as you answer the question. It’s quite easy to miss the point when you rush through reading instructions.

When you write an excellent biology essay, your professor will have an easy time evaluating your knowledge. It even gets easy to help you improve because the lecturer can see your mastery of the concept in question.

Since essay writing also helps you develop critical thinking skills, you benefit a lot from improving your writing skills. As always, you can turn to essay writing experts in case you’re having a hard time with assignments. My essay writing ensures that you learn from experts who also help you submit your papers on time.

Here are 10 tips to help you submit impressive biology papers.

1. Pick a manageable Topic

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The most important tip when it comes to writing a biology essay is picking a manageable topic. The topic you choose will determine how far you can go with the essay. Avoid close-ended topics because they restrict the writing material you can use.

You need a topic that allows you to dig deep and achieve a comprehensive paper. The depth and breadth of a biology paper matter a lot because these are factors your lecturer will consider when awarding your marks.

Make sure you don’t go for a cliché topic that every other student will likely choose. Go with something original so that your paper can stand out. After all, your aim should be to make a genuine contribution to science, especially if it’s on a technical concept.

2. Come up with an Outline

After you figure out which topic you want to go with, the next thing is to come up with an outline. This is also quite important because it helps ensure that your points flow seamlessly.

With an outline, you also get to dictate what you will discuss within the essay. A comprehensive outline gives the professor an easy time going through your paper.

The last thing you want to do is submit an essay that is one block of text. Use subtitles, bulletins and numbering to break up your text. This not only boosts readability but it also makes your points easy to find.

3. Find a Thesis Statement to run with

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For every biology essay you write, you need a thesis statement that guides you throughout the paper. With a thesis, you get to set boundaries on how far you can run with your topic.

Feel free to revisit your thesis statement after you’re done writing the essay just to see if you need to tweak it.

A thesis statement tells your audience the purpose of your essay. This way, as they proceed to read, they know what to expect.

4. Do your Research

Now that you have the basics in place, it is time to find writing material. When it comes to biology essays, you need to dedicate enough time to research. Ensure that you fully understand the topic in question and that you gather enough writing material to comprehensively answer the questions.

Make sure you bookmark the pages you use for research so that you have an easy time referencing to your sources. With extensive research, you can easily put down a valid argument and get a good grade.

5. Work on the Draft

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After gathering all the writing material you need, it’s time to work on your draft. It is prudent, to begin with a rough copy of your essay so that you can get all the errors out of the way. Working on a draft also helps you find different ways to perfect your paper as you proceed.

Even though it is not the final copy, make sure you take your time writing. This allows you to maximize your creativity.

6. Write the Final Copy

Now that you know exactly how you want your paper to look like, you can now work on the final copy. Use the draft to come up with an impressive essay. You can either polish the draft or use it as references as you write your final copy.

Make sure that your points flow naturally and that all of them are tied back to the thesis statement. Don’t delve too much into one point; instead, make sure each point is equally comprehensive and elaborate.

7. Include References

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Remember bookmarking your sources? Well, this was so that you have an easy time including references. Make sure you follow the right format when including references so that you don’t lose marks. If you’re unsure of the right format to use, use Google Scholar to source your writing material. This way you can take advantage of the reference formats they provide.

8. Proofread your Work

The bulk of your work is done at this point. What you’re left with is making sure every sentence in your paper makes sense. As you proofread the essay, make sure you read out loud so that you catch all errors.

9. Check for Plagiarism

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Even if you have excellent paraphrasing skills, it is good to check your paper for plagiarism. Pass the essay through a plagiarism checker and make the necessary adjustments.

10. Submit on time

All this effort would go down the drain if you did not submit your paper on time.


There you have it, 10 ways to write an impressive biology essay.

About Suzan Vega