Every day thousands of photos and videos are uploaded to social media accounts. It almost doesn’t matter if you prefer Facebook or Instagram since these posts are shared at the speed of light. Some of these are ridiculously funny and entertaining while others can make you shed a tear.
If you are anything like us, then you probably have a folder of hundreds of screenshots on your smartphone, and you want to add videos to it. How many times did you forget to save a video on Instagram or YouTube? It can get pretty frustrating especially if it is a useful DIY video or something your friend is obsessed with.
Nowadays, there are hundreds of apps and websites that you can use to convert and save a video. Some of them are designed for a specific social media platform which means that they cannot be used to download videos from others. However, there are also some that you can use to download videos from Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. Thank God for these, because we use all of these platforms and often can’t remember where we saw that adorable video of a baby and dog playing together.
No longer will you have to download numerous apps that will allow you to convert videos from other people’s accounts and save them on your smartphone or laptop. Now, all you have to do is to open the website in your browser, find the video you want to convert, and copy the URL. Then you will have the option to choose whether you want it in HD or SD quality (this will obviously affect the size of the file). If you are struggling with the available memory on your device, you might want to go with the SD video.
Once you have copied the URL of the desired video, you will have to wait for a few moments until the program converts the video. Again, this is something that depends on the size of it, but if you want to download a short clip or music video from YouTube, it shouldn’t take more than a few seconds. After this process is completed, you will be presented with numerous download options (click here to learn more about them).
Another important feature of this program is that it is completely free to use. Due to the fact that there are so many types of apps right now, it is no wonder that most of them require some sort of monthly fee since the designers need funds in order to continue to develop them. Still, as you can see, there are some that you can use free of charge. We believe this to be essential, especially if you don’t want to use this program on a regular basis. There is no point in paying a monthly cost if you are going to use it once or twice, right?
All in all, we hope that you will find this article useful and that it will help you find the best video downloading the app.