
Permanent Makeup Remover Training ─ Why You Should Consider This Education

Applying permanent makeup is a service that is offered by many beauty parlors. To be able to apply this type of makeup, though, the makeup artist must be certified. Having certification proves that they have practiced putting on permanent makeup and that they have passed a series of exams, before adding it to their service package.

As permanent makeup is in fact permanent, it should only be applied by a certified professional, as it cannot be corrected once it is applied. If, however, the case occurs that the makeup needs to be removed, the number of professionals able to do this is limited. More and more permanent makeup removers are needed and, therefore, there are lots of job opportunities in this field.

Keep reading to find out why you should follow this training and why it is important to train with international professionals.

Reasons for Permanent Makeup Removal


The application of permanent makeup is certainly not cheap and often not painless. For this reason, it might seem strange to have it removed. There are, however, lots of reasons why people want to remove permanent makeup. And because there are so many reasons to remove permanent makeup, there are more and more people needed to carry out this job. Maj Permanent Makeup has a great training program to learn how to remove permanent makeup so that you can add it to your salon’s service package and attract new customers that would like to have their permanent makeup removed.

Below is a list of some of the most common reasons to remove permanent makeup.

Permanent makeup mistakes

Permanent makeup should only be applied by professionals, as already mentioned, but some salons without certification also offer this service. Permanent makeup is not cheap, and some people might try to find the cheapest way to get it. Unfortunately, this also means that many people will end up with mistakes made in their makeup. This is certainly the main reason that people want to have their permanent makeup removed.

Changing trends

Permanent makeup is most often placed on the eyelids, in the form of permanent eyeliner, or on the eyebrows. As beautiful as it seems to have bushy eyebrows now, many years ago this was not the case. In the 1920’s women even shaved their eyebrows to replace them with just one fine line, usually drawn with an eyebrow pencil or eyeliner. At the time, this was very trendy.

Eyebrow and eyeliner trends change all the time and will certainly change several times in a person’s lifetime. What might seem trendy now, might be considered ugly in a couple of decades. This might cause people to revise their looks and change their permanent makeup into something that is considered trendier at that time.



Aging is another big reason that people want their permanent makeup removed. Most people like the color of their permanent makeup (especially regarding eyebrows) to match their hair color. If you had black hair once, but have gotten gray over the years, you might not like those heavy, dark eyebrows anymore. For this reason, many people remove their permanent makeup.

Some people also consider their makeup to be a tattoo, which they often feel doesn’t match their older age anymore.

Pressure from the personal environment

Permanent makeup is in most cases done in the same way as tattoos are placed: with needles and ink. In many cultures and religions, tattoos are still considered a bad thing. In Japan, tattoos are only worn by the local mafia, and in some Christian cultures, they believe that your body belongs to God and should not be damaged by tattoos. Having permanent makeup might cause friction in the personal environment of the wearer and might move them to have it removed.

What You Need to Know About Permanent Makeup Removal

Permanent makeup doesn’t always have to be removed by means of lasers. Lasers are not suitable to remove colors and will leave the pigment of the ink on the skin. Luckily, there are many other methods. A permanent makeup removal training will teach you everything you need to know, from small details, such as the structure of different color pigments, to how to set up the devices for removing the makeup.

Other important topics that are taught in the course, are:

  • devices you’ll need
  • configuration of the needles
  • everything you need to know about the skin
  • remover liquids
  • hygiene and disinfection
  • permanent makeup removal methods

The Importance of Training with an International Professional


Removing permanent makeup is much more than just puncturing the skin with a needle. You’ll need to know lots of theory and have practiced at least a few times before you’ll be able to understand the methods. International professionals are familiar with many skin types from people all over the world and have learned about many methods there are to remove permanent makeup.

Professionals can determine which method works best for which type of skin and have gathered lots of knowledge to share with their peers and students. You can be sure that training with a professional will provide you with everything there is to know so that you can offer the best service to your clients and enjoy their happy faces before they leave.

How Much Money Will You Earn with Permanent Makeup Removal?

Just like a permanent makeup application, the removal is not cheap either. The big difference is that there are many salons offering applications, but almost none offering removal. This creates low competition and high chances that you will get customers. For removing permanent makeup, lots of materials and devices are needed, which increases the price of the sessions.

An example: For Glycolic acid removal permanent makeup, you can charge around 400 USD per session. Most clients will need between two and eight sessions to fully remove all the makeup. This means you’ll have a turnover of between 800 and 3200 USD per client. Subtract all your costs, such as material costs, labor costs, and rent and you’ll know your profit.

About Nina Smith