
The Amazing Benefits Of Homeschooling You Need To Know

Here’s a fun fact: there are currently up to 2.5 million homeschooled children in the United States. This number is expected to increase as statistics show that homeschooling is growing by 2% to 8% every year. However, despite these encouraging numbers, many parents are still skeptical about homeschooling. Over the years, there have been tons of homeschooling arguments and these don’t seem to be waning anytime soon.

If you’re reading this, you probably have doubts about homeschooling and are wondering if an online math class really is the best choice for your child. Well, yes it is.

There are numerous pros to homeschooling and it might be a great option if your child is struggling to fit into a regular public school. So, without further ado, let’s explore some of the benefits of homeschooling, shall we?

Self-paced learning

Here’s what a traditional classroom looks like: a teacher stands in front of 10 or more students and talks about a specific topic. Sounds pretty normal, doesn’t it? However, behind the scenes, something else is taking place. Some of the students are catching on while others are lagging behind, too nervous to say anything. Although conventional public schools are great, the school system makes it impossible to cater to each child’s specific needs. This means that some kids get to learn while others lag behind. Worst case scenario, your child is one of the “others.”

Homeschooling gives your child the opportunity to learn at their own pace. There’s no external pressure from their teacher or peers to “catch up.” Rather, you can go over concepts repeatedly until they get the hang of it. The topics are more suited to their level of understanding. Most importantly, you can teach them using methods that best fit their preferred learning style (i.e., if they’re a visual learner, you can use pictures, diagrams, etc).


A flexible curriculum

Most public schools follow a standard curriculum that dictates what kids should learn at a specific time and level. However, homeschooling puts a unique perspective on the concept of curriculums. As a homeschooling parent, you can curate the curriculum to align with your child’s interests and needs. This choice makes them more independent and of course, provides more motivation for learning.

The best part? You can curate and customize the curriculum without sacrificing standard conventions. The presence of a flexible curriculum doesn’t mean that your child will fall behind their peers in public schools. It simply means that they get more choices over what they learn.

Improved family time

Picture this scenario: you drop your child off at school in the morning and dash off to work or begin daily chores if you’re a stay-at-home parent. They come home from school in the afternoon and probably get started with their homework after having lunch. Time flies and before you know it, you’re already tucking them in for the night without spending quality time together.

Fortunately, this isn’t the case with homeschooling. As a homeschooling parent, you get more time to bond with your child. Every lesson is an opportunity to spend quality time together and have fun conversations with your child. This will help to foster a strong relationship even long after they’ve left the nest.


It’s more productive

Here’s a fun fact: public schooling takes up more time than homeschooling does. With your child in a standard school, you have to wake up extra early to prepare breakfast and their school lunch while hounding them to get out of bed at the same time. Then, of course, we have the dreaded school run. By the time you get back, you’ll be feeling too exhausted to check off anything on your to-do list.

On the other hand, with homeschooling, you have more time on your hands. There’s no rush, no pressure to wake up early to pack a lunch, and (fortunately) no school run! This gives you the opportunity to focus on other things and be more productive.

Academic excellence

According to studies, homeschoolers score up to 15% to 30% higher than public school students on standardized tests and exams. In fact, a homeschooled student may score about 85% to 87% while their peers score about 50%. This is probably because homeschooling gives you the chance to pay special attention to your child’s learning needs and easily spot their weaknesses. This way, you know when to get math help for kids and sort out any other needs they may have.


You get to choose what works

Here’s the thing: learning is mostly made up of trial and error. Some methods might work while others might be a complete flop. Homeschooling offers you the opportunity to identify what works and what doesn’t. Subsequently, you can stick with what works and modify or reinvent it to meet your child’s specific needs.

Less peer dependence

One downside of the public school system is that it fosters peer dependence. Children often feel the need to either compete with their peers or mirror their actions. As a parent, you can already tell how dangerous the latter is. In a conventional school system, it’s easier for your child to pick up bad habits or fall prey to peer pressure. However, when you homeschool, you lower the risk of peer dependence and are able to nurture and raise your child with minimal external influences.

Builds a sense of safety

For many kids, home is a safe zone. It’s the warm nest they run to after a long day of school. As such, it makes sense to place their classroom within their safety zone. This makes them more motivated to learn since they have nothing to be afraid of. Most importantly, your child gets to feel safe at every time of the day.

Final Thoughts

Are you wary about homeschooling? There are many advantages of homeschooling for both you and your child, from academic excellence to providing a safety net. Hopefully, these benefits will quell any doubts you may have.

Good luck!

About Nina Smith